February 2021 | Analyst Citation

West Monroe cited in report: Focus On Process, Technology, And Collaboration To Enhance Employee Enablement

West Monroe cited in report: Focus On Process, Technology, And Collaboration To Enhance Employee Enablement

West Monroe interviewed and contributed to Intermediate Level: The CX Transformation Playbook 

According to Forrester’s Q4 2020 Global State Of Customer Experience Teams Survey, 75% of customer experience (CX) professionals on teams with CX as their primary responsibility say their teams oversee CX strategy. But what does that mean? If they are doing this well, they are creating what Forrester defines as: 

A plan that guides how the business designs, delivers, and measures experiences that earn devoted customer loyalty and drive business success.

The precise definition and composition of a CX strategy has proven elusive for many business leaders. Getting it right is essential, though, as the CX strategy plots how a business will execute on its CX vision, helping it achieve its business goals. This report aims to reduce the confusion around CX strategy creation by explaining the process’s prerequisites, core components, and key considerations. 

This report covers Four Components To A Successful CX Strategy. 

Our position is that many organizations already have much of the technology needed to connect operational capabilities to experiences and drive better outcomes for all involved. What’s needed is a digital mindset that meets the customer where they are and guides them along their journey also known as digital unification.

Read the full report (subscription required) to find out more. If you have any questions or would like to talk to us about our digital workplace and employee experience work, please reach out.

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